![]() Have you ever questioned if where you were in life, was actually where you were supposed to be? I've had moments when I thought, "God, are you serious? How is THIS the plan? Couldn't we come up with something better than this?" I've definitely had moments when I questioned God's plan or I didn't understand God's direction but I just had to blindly move forward and trust Him. I'm not someone who looks back and questions the path I've taken all that often. I'm of the belief God's plan is always executed and when we make mistakes, God uses those mistakes and everything proceeds according to His Will. However, I am someone that contemplates decisions and spends time in prayer over upcoming decisions. When I don't understand the plan, I definitely let God know. And I'm comforted by the fact some of the more "famous" biblical characters did the same thing. Take Moses for example... Exodus 33:12-14 Moses said to the Lord, "you have been telling me, 'Lead these people, but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, 'I know you by name and you have found favor with me.' If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people." The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." I love so many things in this passage. For starters, Moses was brutally honest with God. He was not shy in sharing how he felt with God or how he felt about God's plan. He was like "Hey God, if this is your plan can you help a brother out with some direction?" You just have to love his brutal honesty. And then God responds, in typical God fashion, with "I've got you and you will rest." How many times have you asked God for guidance and His response was basically...have faith, I've got you! It's such a beautiful and warm response when life is all rainbows and butterflies and little ponies. But when you are lost, broken, hurt, or empty...that is a tough to hear. And sometimes it's even tougher to trust Him. How do you have faith when you feel as though you've lost everything? Follow the lead of Moses. Moses was honest with God and said well then, show me Your Glory. (I like to think of Moses like Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry McGuire but instead of saying "Show me the money", Moses said "Show me your glory!") Exodus 33:18 Moses responded, "Then show me your glorious presence" It was almost like Moses said: I'm really trying here God. I'm trying to follow your plan but your plan doesn't make sense to me. I feel like I'm in the dark. I need something, anything, just a piece of You to spark my faith. Show me something. And God delivered. God showed His Goodness to Moses and it was overwhelming. I had a "really God?!?" moment about 6 months ago when I was looking for jobs in North Carolina. In fact, I wrote a blog about it. (Check out the Archived Blogs - November 2015 "Worship Over Worry") I"m not exaggerating when I say I applied for over different 20 jobs. I applied to positions I was qualified for, under qualified for, over qualified for...I applied to hospital jobs and I applied to jobs outside the hospital. And all I got were rejection emails. It's was so frustrating and I asked God "why" every single day. It was tough but I made the decision to trust Him and just step forward. Although I found and secured an amazing free lance job, I never found permanent employment and at times wonder why. However, over the last couple of weeks I finally realized why God wasn't answering my prayers for permanent employment in NC. God knew I wouldn't be staying in NC. It looks like we may be moving sooner than originally projected. If I had taken a permanent job, I would need to vacate my position early. It's amazing how His plan fits perfectly together and how when we trust Him, the plan makes sense eventually. So when you are down and out and God is giving you directions that seem unclear. Be honest with Him. Tell Him exactly what you need and trust He will provide for you and eventually the plan will fit together perfectly, according to His Will. Moses, the plan and honesty, Ashley Lucille
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Ashley LucilleJust a few reflections about everything God is teaching me in this life...a journey deeper into His purpose for my life. Categories |